Category Archives: Announcements

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Notice of Montfort Alumni AGM 2021/2022

Dear fellow Montfort Alumni members,
Notice is hereby given that the next Annual General Meeting of the Montfort Alumni will be held on Saturday, 24 April 2021 @ 2.00pm, virtually via Zoom.
Please register via this link and instructions on joining the e-AGM would be sent out separately.
Members who have any resolution to table are to do so in writing to by 16 April 2021.
Thank You and Best Regards,
Bernard Yeo
Hon Secretary
Montfort Alumni 2020/2021


Notice of Montfort Alumni AGM 2020/2021

Notice is hereby given that the next Annual General Meeting of the Montfort Alumni will be held on Saturday, 1 August 2020 @ 2.00pm, virtually via Zoom.

Please register via this link and instructions on joining the e-AGM would be sent out separately.

Members who have any resolution to table are to do so in writing to by 17 July 2020.

Thank You and Best Regards,

Ong Wee Loon
Hon Secretary
Montfort Alumni 2019/2020

Joint Statement by Montfort School Management Committee and Montfort Alumni Exco in response to COVID-19 situation

Dear members of the Montfort family,

1. With the current condition, both the Montfort School Management Committee and Montfort Alumni Exco have deliberated over the key events scheduled for April 2020.

Postponement of Montfort School’s 104th Founder’s Day celebration

2. The 104th Founder’s Day celebration this year in school was scheduled on 25 April 2020, being the Saturday closest to the Feast Day of St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (28 April).

3. The event is tentatively postponed to 25 July 2020 (Saturday). This celebration will be scaled down significantly in terms of the invited guests and performers. In the event that the situation has not improved sufficiently by then, we may make the difficult decision to cancel the event this year.

Postponement of Montfort Alumni AGM

4. By convention, the AGM would be held on the same day as the Founder’s Day celebration.

5. In tandem with the Founder’s Day celebration, the AGM will be rescheduled to 25 July 2020 (Saturday). The venue has yet to be determined. Once finalised, the details of the AGM will be released via email to our members, as well as on our social media platforms.

Cancellation of Montfort Alumni’s Founder’s Day’s Dinner in 2020

6. The Founder’s Day Dinner was also scheduled on 25 April 2020 and it was clear that this event could not proceed as scheduled.

7. Upon careful consideration, we have decided to postpone this event to 2021.


8. The decisions were made with public safety and the health of teachers, staff and students as the top priority. We thank everyone for their understanding.

9. On this note, we would also like to thank the staff of Montfort Junior School and Montfort Secondary School for working tirelessly to ensure that Montfort remains a safe environment for learning and working.

10. We would also like to express our appreciation to the parents and alumni for supporting the school during this difficult time.

11. Please take care of yourselves and look out for your loved ones. May God bless everyone. Age Quod Agis.

James Cher
Chairman, Montfort School Management Committee

Toh Tong Dee
President, Montfort Alumni

23 March 2020